

💌 Pure Aloha Dreamalizer Lifeletter 4 | Paternity Retreat, Building a Second Brain

Published over 1 year ago • 5 min read

Welcome to the PAD Lifeletter where I authentically share monthly updates, stories, resources, and insights along my journey of Pure Aloha Dreamalization. If you are new here, you can catch up on the first and second issues. First-time reader? You are warmly invited to subscribe to be added to the mailing list for these monthly letters (every fourth Saturday).

Pure Aloha from Honolulu ☀️

Katie and I continue to savor the preciousness of time with Bodhi and life as a family of three. On one hand, it’s hard to believe it’s already been two months, and on the other, it’s felt like a sweet eternity. The learning is nonstop, sleep is minimal, and the joy is without end.

I’ve been flowing with fluidity in the spaciousness of my Paternity Retreat, which has allowed me to Pure Aloha Dreamalize in planned and unplanned ways.

For all this and much more, let’s jump into the fourth issue of the PAD Lifeletter.

✨ Key Updates

👨🏻‍🍼 66 Days into 100 Day Paternity Retreat

  • Our family is healthy and Bodhi continues to grow in all ways. Mommy and Daddy are as grateful and happy as first-time parents can be.
  • There have been many firsts: visiting the bodhi tree at Foster Botanical Garden, hilarious farts in the bathtub, and the most heart-melting social smiles.
  • Having Katie’s mom with us for the first six weeks was a great help. After that, the last almost one month have been a transition to what life will normally be more like. In three more weeks, Katie will return to work, so I’m gearing up for full-time stay-at-home dad duties at least three days a week.

✍️ Wisdom Is Book

  • I’ve completed 6 of the 52 entries and designed the cover, blessing, and dedication pages for my “Wisdom Is” book project. Creating each entry has been so special and deeply meaningful to me - in the moment, it feels like I couldn’t be doing anything more purposeful.
  • That said, I won't be completing this project as originally intended within the next 34 days left in my paternity retreat. However, I’m fully committed to completing the manuscript and having at least a first hard copy to give to Bodhi on his first birthday.
  • If you’d like to see the progress so far, here’s the Twitter thread.

🎧 HOPA Song Released to the World

  • The House of Pure Aloha song that I helped produce with singer-songwriter Lucie Lynch can be listened to on streaming platforms everywhere! You can have a listen on Spotify!
  • I also recorded a podcast to share the "behind-the-song" story with Lucie and Jen, which you can see on the HOPA Together Facebook page (by the end of the week or so).

🧰 PAD toolbox

I have mentioned “Building a Second Brain” (BASB) in previous PAD issues as a central tool in my Pure Aloha Dreamalizing toolbox:

My Second Brain has empowered my creative potential, ushered my personal self discovery and healing, supported the growth of my entrepreneurial ventures, and most practically and relevantly accelerated the level of my learning and ability to enjoy (and manage!) the thrilling ride of first-time parenthood.

Within the spaciousness of paternity retreat, Building a Second Brain organically bubbled to the surface and held my attention. I ended up quickly designing a new website called Two Brains One Heart.

Building a Second Brain Household

Between soothing sessions with Bodhi, and during household chores and short workouts, I read and listened to the recently published book: ”Building a Second Brain: A Proven Method to Organize Your Digital Life and Unlock Your Creative Potential”.

Katie and I are building our collective Second Brain too. I suggested to Katie that she read the book (we joked that we did a “bible exchange” - as she had me read “What to Expect When You’re Expecting”). During breastfeeding sessions (including the 2am ones!), she finished the audiobook over two weeks.

Naturally, I’ve shared BASB with Katie over the past two years, so we already have a basic foundation as a couple. It’s growing even stronger now. It’s exciting and reassuring to have this foundation of how we interact and manage information to facilitate learning together, remember moments together, and very practically take on all that life throws at us together. From caring for a newborn to executing meal planning, a collective Second Brain as a couple has been tremendously helpful. If you want a clearer sense of how a Second Brain can be utilized this way, here’s a great video of how Tiago and his wife Lauren do it.

Supporting the Beginnings of a Movement

The existence of the Building a Second Brain book is a clear signal: personal knowledge management (PKM) is hitting the mainstream because it is desperately needed. I created a two-minute video sharing what BASB can do to help anyone in going from surviving to thriving in the overwhelming ocean of information we all float in today.

BASB is a loud siren call that will only grow louder especially now that it’s become a “Wall Street Journal bestseller” and has 1,100+ reviews on Amazon with #1 rankings in the hottest most relevant categories like “Data Science”, “Big Data”, and “Project Management”. BASB is being shared everywhere—from within Google to mainstream TV mediaSecond Brains and the ideas behind them are exponentially taking root in the minds of individuals and organizations.

Besides the book, I also read two articles: the first on what it cost Tiago to write the book and the other on BASB’s 10-Year Vision. It all deeply moved me and made sense clearly. I reflected on how transformative Tiago’s work and the BASB community has been in my life. In fact, who knows if you would be reading this Lifeletter if not for my Second Brain and the journey its empowered me to travel!

So I rapidly turned “dream” into “actualization” and put together a websiteTwo Brains One Heart—where I could authentically share more of my story and insights about Building a Second Brain, support others in building theirs, and contribute to the Second Brain movement.

If any of this sounds interesting to you and/or you know anyone who may find it so, I warmly invite you to visit the website and to share it with others.

FYI - Cohort 15 of Building a Second Brain runs from September 13 to October 5, 2022, and enrollment is open now to September 7, 2022. This is what I did and is my most highly recommended pathway to accelerate your Second Brain building. For more, visit the website.

🎁 A Gift Offering for PAD Walkers

Finally, as a PAD Lifeletter subscriber who is walking with me on this journey, if you want to build your Second Brain, I would love to support you by gifting you a copy of the book. I’ll be gifting copies to the first 11 people who submit this form.

I also have plans to donate copies of the book to all libraries in Oahu, so it is accessible to as many people here. Stay tuned on that fun project too!

Until the next issue, sending my Pure Aloha to everyone and be well!


I appreciate you reading this Lifeletter. If ideas resonated, I’d love you to leave a comment, reply to this email, or send me a message by email at If you want to read more, visit my online website.

Mahalo 🤙


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Welcome to the PAD Lifeletter where I authentically share monthly updates, stories, resources, and insights along my journey of Pure Aloha Dreamalization. If you are new here, you can catch up on the first and second issues. First-time reader? You are warmly invited to subscribe to be added to the mailing list for these monthly letters (every fourth Saturday). Subscribe Pure Aloha from Honolulu ☀️ I hope this fifth PAD Lifeletter finds you and your loved ones very well! I'm testing a modified...

over 1 year ago • 1 min read

Welcome to the PAD Lifeletter where I authentically share monthly updates, stories, resources, and insights along my journey of Pure Aloha Dreamalization. If you are new here or missed last week’s edition, you can read it here. First-time reader? You are warmly invited to subscribe to be added to the mailing list for these monthly letters (every fourth Saturday). Subscribe Pure Aloha from Honolulu ☀️ “Happy Father’s Day”. Those were the first words I heard last Sunday as I woke up next to...

almost 2 years ago • 7 min read

Welcome to the PAD Lifeletter where I authentically share monthly updates, stories, resources, and insights along my journey of “Pure Aloha Dreamalization”. Please subscribe using the button below (or at the top or bottom) to be added to the mailing list for these monthly letters (every fourth Saturday). Subscribe Pure Aloha from Honolulu ☀️ “My 33rd year was a year of transformation like no other. May 34 be a year of living wisely by joyfully soaring as a butterfly in awesome flight basking...

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